"" AZMANMATNOOR: Woman's World

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Woman's World

People who only had penetrative sex had the smallest rise in blood pressure. 
This shows that they coped better with stress. 
Plenty of people find that intimacy or orgasm without penetration helps them feel relaxed,
as do exercise or meditation...

Being close to your partner can soothe stress and anxiety. Ambardar says touching and hugging can release your body's natural “feel-good hormone.” Sexual arousal releases a brain chemical that revs up your brain's pleasure and reward system. Sex and intimacy can boost your self-esteem and happiness, too, Ambardar says.
Good sex is a great workout for a woman's pelvic floor muscles – the muscles ... One of the most important benefits, noted in a recent survey ...
So, whether you're coupled up or flying solo, check out this list of healthy side effects ofsex: Improved heart health. Just like any physical activity, healthy sex is good for your heart.
Sex is not only pleasurable, did you know it's also good for you? It's true. The benefits ofsex range from slashing stress levels to lowering your ...
You don't really need a reason to have it, but there are many benefits of sex you might not know about it. Here, the hidden health perks of great sex.
How love, sex and supportive relationships can benefit your physical and mental ... and wellbeing, including lowering blood pressure and coping with stress better.
The health benefits of sex extend well beyond the bedroom. It can help boost the ... Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or ...
Sexual activity has a number of physical and emotional benefits for men and women alike.
Some good news and some bad news from the world of sex research today. First, thegood news: having sexual intercourse several times a ...
If you thought that the only benefit of sex was, well, pleasure, here's some news for you. Making love is good for adults. And making love ...

Why Women Say Yes To Sex
Women have needs too, but for many, it is about more than just the physical act.
What will set you back many steps is when you are far along into a relationship and cheating occurs. 
It goes back to wanting to feel desired and special - if your partner discovers you are having sex with another woman, she is bound to feel insecure and unloved. — AFP
By Datuk Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar
TheStar/FitForLife/Sunday, 22 October 2017
WHEN it comes to emotional inti­macy, it’s true that women are wired to need it more than men.
Sex is a way of letting them express and in fact, build intimacy.
While this is important for men too, emotional intimacy is often more of a by-product of intercourse rather than a key motivator.
Hence, there can be a disconnect between men and women when it comes to sex, and it’s important for the guys to know that most women need to feel desired and pursued before she can be really into it.
Scale of sexual desire
Like men, sexual satisfaction as the motivation behind women hav­ing sex is quite obvious. But there is a sexual desire spectrum related to intellectual stimulation that isn’t always so easy to identify.
Some types include: sapio-sexual - individuals who are turned on by intelligence; or demi-sexual - indi­viduals who do not get turned on by someone unless there is a strong emotional connection.
Unfortunately, if your partner identifies as asexual, a person who lacks the desire for sex, then perhaps creative new ways need to be discovered to encourage intercourse for that person.
Sometimes, me development of an asexual person is related to a conservative cultural or religious background, or even past sexual trauma; in which case, tread carefully and do not be insensitive.
Be supportive throughout her journey to a healthy sexual discovery.
For others whose sexual rela­tionships are more straightfor­ward, here are a few key reasons why women want to have sex.
It's physical
In a study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, United States, 141 women were asked to observe photos of shirtless men, then rank them according to attractiveness.
Lean, athletic-looking bodies were seen as more desirable than both bulky and skinny types.
Women tend to perceive big muscular men as threatening. It’s possible that spending all the time bulking up is seen as self-centred, which means she may not get what she wants from you, in terms of time commitment and attention.
It's the kiss
A kiss is largely a preview to how intercourse might be with someone, hence why a well-execut- ed smooch could be the way to "qualifying” for the next stage.
A study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology found that women are much less likely to have sex with a bad kisser.
For that reason, it’s good for guys to be aware of what women see as a good kiss. From the same study, it was found that men preferred wetter kisses with more tongue action than females did.
It’s not terribly romantic to feel like a large dog tongue is slobber­ing all over you after all. Instead, be a partner who smells good and does a little caressing while kissing.
The heat of the moment
Cuddling causes a woman’s tes­tosterone to surge, a recent Canadian study found. The increase in T levels may cause androgen receptors in her clitoris to switch on, leading to arousal.
How else to get her into the mood? Have a good sense of humour and your chances increase by 25% - and if you’re looking for a mate to settle down with, those chances go up by 31%, says a study in the Journal of Psychology.
The next step in a relationship
After all the wining, dining, woo­ing and being seen around town together, the sex is still missing. What’s the next step? Commitment.
A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found commit­ment to be the key to sexual moti­vation in women of all ages.
There is no need to get spooked and cut ties with the woman you’re seeing. Commitment does not mean marriage, but rather a seri­ous promise of exclusivity that shows an investment in the rela­tionship.
Imagine, if the shoe is on the other foot and you discover that your girlfriend is dating other men, you will most likely begin question­ing the point of being in a relation­ship with her.
No one wants to feel like a spare - showing her that you’re emotion­ally serious will encourage her to move forward with the physical aspect.
It's the romantic setting
It may be an old saying, but it rings true. Plan a romantic geta­way to an exotic location and that will win you big points, but proba­bly not for the reasons you might expect.
The shared intimacy of a couple together in a strange and exciting new place is what strengthens or
secures a bond.
A 2005 study in the journal Tourism Management went even further to recommend that couples on vacation prearrange the servic­es of a local tour guide, which "cre­ates a greater sense of intimacy and disclosure”.
It's to express love or affection
A study published in the Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology found that there are significant hormonal changes in both men and women when falling in love. Testosterone levels in women rise, but men’s tend to fall, the study found.
And here’s a tip on the best time to catch the woman who’s in love with you - after a good weights workout, which also causes wom­en’s testosterone levels to spike.
Another way to heighten her physical interest in you is for her to miss you.
An American Psychological Association study found that travel- related separation creates a surge in hormone levels upon reunion.
Being in contact during the separation is important to minimise any negative feelings towards the traveling partner.
It's healing
Endomorphins, a form of pain reliever, is released during inter­course, which is why some women use sex to feel better from experi­encing migraines, or even period cramps.
If intercourse is a form of relaxa­tion or recreation, then by all means, each partner should be non-judgemental and supportive.
Perhaps in time, you will begin to view it the same way as well.
Other factors that impact female sex drive
The longer the relationship, the deeper the emotional security, hence why it’s not surprising if a woman wants to have sex more frequently.
Awkward as it may seem, communicating with each other on sexual preferences takes the guessing game out of the equation and allows both of you to get what you want during intercourse.
What will set you back many steps is when you are far along into a relationship and cheating occurs.
It goes back to wanting to feel desired and special - if your partner discovers you are having sex with another woman, she is bound to feel insecure and unloved.
The betrayal opens up your relationship to very real vulnerabilities, like the fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. If you value your relationship with your wife, think twice, and twice more again, before you cheat.
Datuk Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist. For further information, visit www.primanora. com. The information provided is for* educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader's own medical care. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

What motivates sexual activity?
Jeremy Nicholson M.S.W., Ph.D.
The Attraction Doctor
Sex makes the world go around. At least, it plays a significant part in dating and relating. Granted, there are natural variations in sexual expression and "appetite". But, despite what some perspectives might argue, many men and women, of various ages, cultures, and sexual orientations all are motivated to (at least occasionally) say yes to sex.
The problem, however, is that each partner may want sex for different reasons. Each may have a different motivation for saying "yes". When those specific motivations are not addressed and underlying needs are not met, sex either doesn't occur - or ends up being dissatisfying. A classic example is the woman who has sex as an expression of "love and commitment", being disappointed when she finds her partner has had sex for only "pleasure". Or, the man who has sex as an expression of his "desirability and passion", only to be disappointed that his partner was motivated only by his "resources and social status".
In an effort to help you avoid such disappointments (and, if you want, persuade your partner into bed), below I will discuss the research on sexual motivation. You will learn why people say yes to sex. You will also learn to spot these motivations - and avoid them, or capitalize on them, as you please. In the end though, I will leave the decision about which motivations are "right" and "wrong" for you individually. I'm just reporting the facts...and helping you reach your own goals.
Why Humans Have Sex
A notable study on sexual motivation was a collaborative work in the 2007 Archives of Sexual Behavior by Cindy Meston (a clinical psychologist and sex researcher) and David Buss (an evolutionary psychologist). Meston and Buss (2007) surveyed men and women, in two studies, about the reasons why they had sex. In the first study, participants reported 237 unique reasons for saying yes to sexual activity. In the second study, those 237 reasons were categorized into four large groups, and 13 sub-groups.
So, according to Meston and Buss (2007), people generally say yes to sex for the following reasons:
Emotional Reasons:
Love and Commitment - to feel connected, to bond, to express love, and to intensify a relationship.
Expression - to express an emotion to a partner, such as "thank you" or "I missed you".
Physical Reasons:
Pleasure - to feel good, have fun, and experience orgasm.
Stress Reduction - to relieve frustration, anxiety, and stress.
Physical Desirability - to be sexual with someone who is attractive and desirable physically.
Experience Seeking - to see what sex is all about, act out a fantasy, or have an adventure.
Goal Attainment Reasons:
Resources - to obtain something, such as a job, money, or even a child.
Social Status - to be popular, impress friends, or enhance a reputation.
Revenge - to get back at a partner, make someone jealous, or "rebound" from a relationship.
Utilitarian - to get out of doing something, test compatibility, or even change the conversation.
Insecurity Reasons:
Self-Esteem Boost - to feel better, powerful, attractive, or get attention.
Duty/Pressure - to fulfill an obligation, expectation, or duty.
Mate Guarding - to get a partner to stay, to promote faithfulness, or prevent a break-up…

Editor’s say
Sunita Chhabra
Being beautiful inside and out is something everyone should aspire to. It is not as easy as it sounds as most of us do have our own inner demons to conquer. It could be envy, anger, ambition, selfishness, greed, resentment or any other emotion that sometimes makes us do things that are not admirable.
Achieving outside beauty is not too difficult nowadays. With the help of the right cosmetics and clothes, anyone can look attractive.
Surgery is also widely available if physical beauty is really important to you.
Inner loveliness is actually harder to achieve and unfortunately, some don't even bother to try. They think that as long as no one can spot their meanness or their ill-nature, it doesn't matter. After all, outwardly they know how to behave well, as though they are caring, compassionate people. What they sadly don't realise is that even though externally they may look stunning, what's inside does show as well. Whether it is through their aura or some other mysterious way, people who are ugly inside will get detected and they will soon find that people start staying away from them. They may then start blaming everyone and wondering why they are not well-liked but the solution is not to rant at others but instead find time to reflect on what is lacking in their own inherent beauty. After that, an effort has to be made to improve themselves. It is so much easier to say that the world is unfair or everyone else is being unreasonable or difficult. What is hard or almost impossible for some to do is to look at the man (or woman) in the mirror and honestly ask if you are beautiful from your core.
The wonderful thing about inner beauty is that outer beauty will ultimately fade over time but inner beauty can just grow and grow ... and this is the very reason that you must invest in this! It can take you all the way in life to wherever you want to go and whatever you want to do. Heavenly happiness, unlimited abundance and the joys of paradise await those with golden hearts both in this world and the next.

Read more…
WHEN it comes to emotional intimacy, it's true that women are wired to need it more than men. Sex is a way of letting them express, and in fact, build intimacy.
Sex is a vital aspect of who we are, the place where Heaven and Earth come ... That she was saying yes, not only to Sex, but to something else much bigger, ...
May 27, 2016 - Sex therapist and educator Jacqueline Hellyer explains why you should come from a place of 'yes.' | Australian Women's Weekly content ...
The Twisted Truth Behind Why Girls Say Yes To Sex When They Mean No. By ... According to data collected in Why Women Have Sexwomen often ... It seems that when some girls have sex with a guy, they come to think that ...
Why don't women just say what they really mean when it comes to sex? Some of the main reasons why a woman will say “No” when she really means “Yes” or ...
And as sexual matters have become much more open for discussion, there has been a sea-change when it comes to women asking their ...
Why healthy interdependence in marriage is the key to mutual sexual satisfaction. ... Some Christian teachers and leaders have told women never to say no to their ... Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your ...
Women's sexual right to say “yes” should be respected, including their ... when it comesto their right to freely enhance and shape their sexual ...
A classic example is the woman who has sex as an expression of "love ... to Meston and Buss (2007), people generally say yes to sex for the ...
Women are smarter when it comes to dating — they hold all of the cards. ... the caveat that ultimately, women have the power to say yes or no.

Other references...
One of the biggest differences between you and your husband is the fact that he experiences sex as a legitimate physical need. ... Your husband's sexual desire is impacted by what's around him but is determined by biological factors, specifically the presence of testosterone in his ...
RSVP to join weekly calls on Love, Sex & Relationships – How many times have we heard the phrase, “All men want is sex?” When I was 17 ...
The message couldn't be more obvious: When it comes to sexmen and women havevery different needs. This used to be something people ...
Of course – understanding a man's needs is not about just giving him sexMen havemany other needs, too. But the issue of sex is one that ...
"Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it," Baumeister concludes after reviewing several ...
You might wonder why it is that men care so much about sex. Or why is sex so important to men? Women have wondered for years why this ...
Sex during morning time is quite common. Here are some reason why men are always up for sex in the morning as compared to any other time!
If women ever wonder why men "always" seem to want to have sex, these 6 reasons offer some BIG insights.
Women are frustrated with men because they always want sex. Women blame men that they don't know how to love. Men blame women that they only talk about ...
It's believed that men are so consumed by our libido that we have no self-consciousness surrounding sex. But men are no different from women ...

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