"" AZMANMATNOOR: Entrepreneurship Development

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Entrepreneurship Development

Thursday,  September  7,  2017
EVERY child needs hope and opportunity. Hope and opportunity are driven by education. If a child does not have opportunity in his or her education, hope and opportunity dissolves. You get unrest and despair and violence. If you train more entrepreneurs they create more jobs and opportunities.
Every generation needs a new revolution and education is the ultimate choice. Effective education programmes will require that local, State, and •federal policymakers to adopt education as an effective tool for engaging Indian youth and building the new generation of world-class citizens and a stronger workforce in the country.
Ideally, this effort should proceed in cooperation with leaders who have the greatest interest in seeing Indian youth continue in education and embrace life for a better future.
Entrepreneurship education is good for future because it's not about running a business, it's also about running your life. The future depends on our generation, and if we all learn how to run our own business then we would be able to live in fully functional community.
Uplifting the value of the Indian community and having it participate in the growth of the nation more fully will benefit all Malaysians.
Learning begins in the classroom itself, so action to encourage schools to offer such education is an essential step. While nearly everyone agrees that exposing youth to education is a good idea, but how good is the education to the youth?
To date, training and
development has been implemented only when a visionary leader has made a personal commitment to make education take root in the community. But waiting for a visionary is no way to build a sustainable community that offers opportunities to the youth.
Malaysian Indian Hope Foundation is committed to helping seed new programmes and fill this gap. When communities embrace youth entrepreneurship, they certainly empower youth but also help strengthen community pride.
It is my hope as the President of Malaysian Indian Hope Foundation that this message will reach the leaders and managers of both business and government, private and public, all to address the needs of the youth especially the Indian youth.
It is also my desire, personally, that this message of hope will impact positively on the number of people such as managers, leaders, parents, decision-makers and especially policy makers and so many others, to rethink an decide to help build an empowered, innovative and thriving community that is an example * to other minority communities worldwide.
This is an important initiative, especially in wake of the current and economic situation. Where possible, programmes in economics and entrepreneurship education should also be promoted and supported, as young people need to learn how to invest in themselves, make money, and learn how to manage their assets.
In many youth entrepreneurship programmes, young people are helping their families with basic needs and shoulder great responsibility
Malaysian Indian Hope Foundation has a mission of preparing at-risk youth to become effective job seekers. We believe that these young people can also become job creators and equity builders by starting their own ventures. The unique characteristics make it ideally suited to help address many aspects of the crisis facing Malaysia's workforce.
This mindset would be one of the real “secrets" of Malaysia's prosperity as it helps drive the creativity and innovation of our workers, our companies, and our entrepreneurs. This engine of innovation will be the primary driver of our future economic competitiveness.
We want to see  Malaysian Indian youth fully prepared to succeed in the 21st century, nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset through widespread use of education for youth.

Engineering Employable Graduates
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
GRADUATE employability is a key issue for Malaysian higher learning institutions and the government. Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh told a local newspaper that the employability rate for Malaysian graduates increased to 77.2 per cent last year from 76.1 per cent the previous year.
“The ministry will continue to boost Malaysian graduates’ employability through various efforts, including, among others, establishing stronger ties be­tween higher learning institutions and in­dustry players,” he said.
Earlier, in 2012, the ministry launched the Graduate Employability Blueprint 2012-2017 to help strengthen the em­ployability of graduates.
According to the blueprint, employers reportedly said graduates lacked the three Es — English, Emotional intelli­gence and Entrepreneurship.
The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FoEBE) at SEGi Uni­versity & Colleges places a great em­phasis on employability.
Therefore, work placement modules are part of the course.
The programmes are taught by expe­rienced academics in a small-class set­ting, thus, ensuring personalised attention for the students.
The faculty offers an impressive range of engineering disciplines at var­ious levels which are pre-university studies, diploma, bachelor’s, master’s degrees and PhD.
A fast-track degree could save time and money, besides giving graduates ample time to secure employment ahead of their peers.
SEGi offers an accelerated route for SPM school leavers to enrol in the Foundation in Science and upon completion, through to their Bachelor’s.
After learning the essential modules and elective subjects during their one- year foundation studies specialising ei­ther in engineering or built environment, students can choose bachelor’s degree programmes, which include architec­ture, chemical engineering, civil engi­neering, electronic and electrical engi­neering, mechanical engineering as well as quantity surveying.
SEGi collaborates with some of the most prestigious universities from the United Kingdom, which are University of
Sunderland and Abertay University, to develop a suitable curriculum to ensure students remain competitive in the job market.
Through our close collaboration with the University of Sunderland, it offers various (3+0) engineering degree programmes in Automotive Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, as well as Mechan­ical Engineering.
The modules are designed in line with programme educational objectives — to produce graduates who are able to prac­tice as engineers in relevant industries and ultimately, register with the Board of Engineers Malaysia as a professional engineer, or alternatively, to pursue postgraduate degrees.
Students can also opt for the dual award degree in Electronic and Electrical En­gineering, or Mechanical Engineering.
Graduates will receive double parch­ments upon, completion of the pro­gramme — one from SEGi University and another from the University of Sunder­land.
This will enhance the graduates’ em­ployability and international standing should they desire to continue postgrad­uate studies.
SEGi also recently launched the Double Degree programme in civil en­gineering, in collaboration with Aber­tay University.
The FoEBE also offers two Diploma programmes — Electronic and Electri­cal Engineering; as well as Mechanical Engineering, designed for SPM school leavers.
At SEGi, the tagline is “The Best in You, Made Possible”.
SEGi extends scholarships such as High Achiever’s Scholarship and finan­cial assistance such as National Higher Education Fund Corporation to deserv­ing students.
The September intake is ongoing.
For more information, call SEGi College Subang Jaya (03-8600 1777 or 016-212 9154), SEGi University Kota Damansara (03-6145 1 777 or 011-1210 6389), SEGi College Penang (04-263 3888 or 013-629 4880), or visit https://www. seg i. ed u. my/e n/p ro- grammes/engineering-the-built-envi- ronment. Follow its Facebook page, SEGi Univer­sity & Colleges for exciting updates and latest news.

Sebab Gaji Kecil
BH / Rabu 13 September 2017
USAH bezakan gaji anda dengan orang lain jika tidak tahu sebabnya. Gen Y harus sentiasa bersedia dan tingkatkan kemahiran memperoleh gaji setimpal dengan kebolehan.
Bukan hanya lambakan kerja seharian, tetapi tidak menerima sebarang kenaikan jawatan di tempat kerja boleh dijadikan alasan untuk kita cari pekerjaan baharu. Semua bebanan ini menjurus kepada tangga gaji yang kecil.
Memanglah gaji diterima setiap orang tidak akan sama melainkan pengalaman dan kemahiran setaraf. Kalau gaji yang dibayar memuaskan, tentu tidak akan menjadi masalah, tetapi rungutan jelas kedengaran dalam kalangan anak muda sekarang mengenai tangga gaji kecil.
Perlu kita tahu, setiap taraf gaji ada yang mempengaruhinya.
Tidak dinafikan ramai individu yang tidak lulus pendidikan tinggi boleh berjaya dalam kerjanya. Walaupun begitu, kita tidak boleh menolak realiti bahawa pendidikan tinggi mampu membantu seseorang mendapatkan pekerjaan baik.
Portal gaji minimum 2012 yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Sumber Manusia menetapkan RM900 bagi Semenanjung dan RM800 bagi Sabah dan Sarawak. Jelas, tangga gaji ini bergantung kepada taraf pendidikan dan beberapa faktor lain.
Jangan merungut sekiranya anda dibayar dengan jumlah gaji kecil dengan status anda sebagai lepasan universiti. Ini kerana, penghasilan dan kualiti kerja kita akan berbeza berbanding mereka yang sudah lebih tiga tahun dalam bidang sama.
Berbeza situasi jika anda kekal jawatan yang sama kialam tempoh tertentu, tidak ^Jtiustahil kenaikan gaji lebih cepat berbanding rakan sebaya lain sgkiranya kemahiran dan kebolehan anda digunakan secara maksimum.
Mempunyai masalah peribadi ataupun pernah menimbulkan masalah dalam syarikat atau organisasi sebelumnya antara sebab anda akan berada lama di tangga gaji kecil.
Tidak kisahlah apa jua masalah yang pernah ditimbulkan, namun jika ia mampu mengganggu prestasi kerja ataupun hubungan dengan orang lain sehingga diketahui majikan, jangan merungut jika majikan memberikan indeks prestasi kerja kurang memuaskan. Perlu diingat, hal ini mampu memberi kesan kepada gaji.
Orang yang paling bahagia adalah mereka yang mempunyai perniagaan mereka sendiri. Mereka memiliki kebebasan masa dan wang, tetapi untuk berjaya dalam perniagaan, anda perlu bekerja keras.
Peranan jurubeli peribadi ini adalah bertindak sebagai juru runding atau pembeli peribadi bagi barangan yang dikehendaki pelanggan. Pelanggan akan membayar lebih kepada mereka atas perkhidmatan yang disediakan.
Sekiranya seseorang pekerja boleh mendedikasikan hidup kepada sesebuah syarikat, pasti mereka boleh mencuba langkah baharu dengan mencabar diri.
Menurut Forbes, bayaran tahunan bagi seorang jurubeli peribadi ketika ini adalah kirakira USD25.000 (RM89.000). Bagi mereka yang berkhidmat dengan pelanggan golongan elit, pendapatan tahunan mampu mencecah sehingga AS$100, 000 (RM357.000) setahun.
Faktor gaji atau pendapatan akan memaksa perubahan mendadak pada diri tanpa diduga. Risiko untuk menghadapi persaingan, perubahan, kegagalan akan ada walaupun bekerja sendiri.
Persoalannya,, apa boleh kita lakukan jika mahu lari daripada kepompong gaji kecil. Ada beberapa pekerjaan lain boleh anda cuba. Antaranya jurubeli peribadi.
Mungkin pekerjaan ini dianggap layak hanya untuk golongan perempuan tetapi hakikatnya tidak. Golongan lelaki juga boleh menjadi jurubeli peribadi kepada sasaran pelanggan. Contohnya, jika wanita membeli beg tangan atau aksesori untuk pelanggan, lelaki juga boleh membeli kasut ataupun pakaian untuk kumpulan pelanggan mereka.
Peranan jurubeli peribadi ini adalah bertindak sebagai juru runding atau pembeli peribadi bagi barangan yang dikehendaki pelanggan. Pelanggan akan membayar lebih kepada mereka atas perkhidmatan yang disediakan.
Menurut Forbes, bayaran tahunan bagi seorang jurubeli peribadi ketika ini adalah kirakira USD25.000 (RM89.000). Bagi mereka yang berkhidmat dengan pelanggan golongan elit, pendapatan tahunan mampu mencecah sehingga AS$100, 000 (RM357.000) setahun.

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