"" AZMANMATNOOR: Middle Class

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Middle Class

Middle class is a group of people between the upper class and the lower class in a society. The term middle class first came into general use during the early 1800s in Europe. It referred to the bourgeoisie (business class), a group that developed between the aristocrats and the peasants.
Sociologists use the term social stratification to describe the process of dividing societies into classes. This process is based on many factors, chiefly a persons occupation. Other factors include income, power, reputa­tion, and wealth. The majority of middle-class people work for a living and do not inherit great wealth. Most middle-class occupations do not involve manual labour. They include those of business owners and managers, clerks, lawyers, doctors, and teachers.      
Many values held by middle-class people became principal values of society. These values included acting according to the moral standards of the community/ achieving financial success, advancing in a job, and owning property. During the 1950s and early 1960's, ... many middle-class people were more concerned w . achieving their goals than with changing conditions society. But from the mid-1960s on, more members o . this group, particularly the younger and better 
cated, became active in society. They objected to c

conditions, rather than simply accepting them. For , ample, many middle-class people supported Peac6t-oni movements and protested against racial discrimm See also Social class.

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